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Higher Learning Potential

Holywell Primary School is committed to maximising the potential of all of our pupils, including pupils identified as having Higher Learning Potential (HLP). At Holywell, we have adopted the following definition of pupils with Higher Learning Potential, based on guidance from Potential Plus (formerly known as the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC):

• children who are significantly exceeding expectations for their year group academically

• children who have talents in art, music, drama and related areas which are significantly above expectations for their age

• children who have the potential to achieve above expectations, but who, for whatever reason, are not demonstrating this

Once identified, teachers strive to meet the needs of these children in several ways, including differentiated planning and relevant enrichment opportunities.

Please find below links to various documents/ websites which may help support your child’s learning at home, particularly if you believe that they may have Higher Learning Potential.

Higher Learning Potential Policy.pdf

Art activity pack.pdf

creativity activity pack_1.pdf

maths activity pack.pdf

nature activity pack.pdf

science activity pack.pdf

Behaviour of Young HLP Children.pdf

Comic books suitable for young readers.pdf

Early Years and High Learning Potential.pdf

Friendships and HLP Children.pdf

High Learning Potential in Literacy (Primary).pdf

High Learning Potential in Maths (Primary).pdf

Inspiring Motivation to Learn.pdf

Reading List for Early Years HLP Children.pdf

Reading List for Key Stage 1 HLP Children.pdf

Young HLP Children at Home.pdf

