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Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3SJ

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Wellbeing & Behaviour Management Mentor

I am Christine Sleight, the Wellbeing and Behaviour Mentor.

My role is to work alongside teaching and non-teaching staff to support children struggling to engage with learning. This can often be reflected in their behaviour and emotional health, at home and school and can also impact their interaction with their peers.
I plan to offer 1:1 and small group work with the children to help improve both their wellbeing and behaviour depending on the needs that they have.


Another of my roles will be to be available to listen to parents to identify worries and problems that they may have about their children. Parents often recognise signs of unhappiness or worry before it becomes apparent in school and we can work together to support the children.


My email address is




Please find below several useful links to access wellbeing/mental health support. We have included information about adult /youth services as well as those for children as we feel these might be beneficial for others in our community.


  • Mental health support for adults (16+):



  • Mental health support for children, young people and families :
  • Counselling available for children, young people, and adults:


  • This has advice and resources for families on supporting children’s mental health.


  • Early help :

Children and Family Wellbeing Service (CFWS) provides early help services – these are services that may be offered at any point in a child or young person’s life, when the child is experiencing some difficulties which cannot be supported by universal services, such as schools or GP, alone. 

Early Help | Leicestershire County Council Professional Services Portal


  • Parents' Toolkit is the place for mums, dads, and the whole parenting community to find stories, expert advice, and fun activities that will help you support your child in a changing world.





